New in File Cabinet Pro Version 3.7 for macOS: Move to File Cabinet Pro Service

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File Cabinet Pro version 3.7 has been released for macOS.

What’s New?

-Added a “Move to File Cabinet Pro” Service. You can now move files to File Cabinet Pro faster than ever from Finder and other supporting apps!
-Fixed issue that caused some items in the context menu to be disabled when control+clicking on an item in Icon View.

See video below for demo:

Exporting NSTableView to HTML [Open Source]

I needed to export the contents of a NSTableView to HTML, so I wrote a little NSTableView subclass in Objective-C to do this.

ATHyperTextTableView is a simple NSTableView subclass that makes exporting a table view to HTML easy. You can customize the look of the exported HTML table with your own CSS too.

Screenshots Below:
Screenshot of NSTableView.
Screenshot of exported HTML from a the tableView, loaded into a WebView.
Screenshot of the exported HTML loaded into a WebView.

Screenshot of exported HTML from a the tableView, loaded into a WebView with custom CSS set.
Screenshot of the exported HTML loaded into a WebView, styled with custom CSS.

There is a sample project available on Github here.