File Cabinet Pro Version 7.9.6 Update Adds New Settings for Services

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File Cabinet Pro version 7.9.6 has been released for macOS.

What’s New?

-You can now change the file format for the “Save screenshot in File Cabinet Pro” Service to PNG, JPG, PDF, or TIFF in Settings.

-You can now capture the mouse pointer in screenshots when using the “Save screenshot in File Cabinet Pro” Service; this feature can be turned on in Settings.

-You can now set whether or not you want to capture the window’s shadow when taking an interactive screenshot in File Cabinet Pro.

File Cabinet Pro Mac app screenshot of the new "Services" area in Settings introduced in version 7.9.6.

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed issue that caused state restoration information for the Applications folder to get discarded.

-Fixed issue that sometimes caused tags to incorrectly show up on a new file if the newly created file was at the same file path of a previously deleted tagged file.

-Fixed crash that could occur under rare circumstances when viewing files in List view.

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